Austerity Kills Government Jobs as Cuts to Budgets Loom

NEW YORK TIMES: The federal government, the nation’s largest consumer and investor, is cutting back at a pace exceeded in the last half-century only by the military demobilizations after the Vietnam War and the cold war.

And the turn toward austerity is set to accelerate on Friday if the mandatory federal spending cuts known as sequestration start to take effect as scheduled. Those cuts would join an earlier round of deficit reduction measures passed in 2011 and the wind-down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that already have reduced the federal government’s contribution to the nation’s gross domestic product by almost 7 percent in the last two years…

Federal, state and local governments now employ 500,000 fewer workers than they did on the eve of the recession in 2007, the longest and deepest decline in total government employment since the aftermath of World War II…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. Oh Contrair. How easily Newslanc gets sucked in to the narritive they espouse.

    Here are the facts from the dept of labor.

    Federal employees 2011 16.1 Million
    Federal employees 2008 15.4 Million
    Increase of 700,000.

    All State employees
    2008 – 4.32 million
    2011 – 4.35 million
    Increase of 30,000.

    Maybe it just new math?

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