Attorney finds missteps in former FBI Director Freeh’s Penn State report

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: …Attorney Michael L. Bangs challenged a landmark report that says the late football coach and three school executives failed to protect children from pedophile Jerry Sandusky. The 267-page review by former FBI Director Louis Freeh in July 2012 became a trusted guide to the Sandusky scandal, helping drive public opinion and sanctions that the NCAA imposed on the school.

Bangs questions every page, he wrote in a legal opinion on Sandusky’s pension, released on June 19. He found the Freeh report overstated by 65 payments the number of times the university compensated Sandusky from 2000 to 2008. Penn State made six payments, wrote Bangs, who is based in Camp Hill.

The “use of this remarkably incorrect statistic by the Freeh report, which was then relied upon to form the basis for a number of its other conclusions, calls into question the accuracy and veracity of the entire report,” Bangs wrote… (more)
