The Verdict on a Troublesome Carcinogen

NEW YORK TIMES Editorial: “The Verdict on a Troublesome Carcinogen” opines-

“Formaldehyde, a substance widely used in consumer products and industrial processes, has been authoritatively judged a carcinogen despite the best efforts of the chemical industry to confuse the issue. A panel of experts convened by the National Academy of Sciences found sufficient evidencefrom human studies to declare formaldehyde “’ known human carcinogen’ that causes nasopharyngeal cancer, sinonasal cancer and myeloid leukemia. It also cited evidence from studies of animals and of carcinogenesis suggesting that formaldehyde may cause a much wider array of cancers than just those three…

“The academy’s verdict amounted to a vote of confidence in the National Toxicology Program, an interagency program that prepares lists of known and suspected carcinogens and that has repeatedly been attacked by industries whose products are affected…

“Some companies have stopped using formaldehyde, but the chemical is still found in nail polish, shampoo, soap, fabric softeners, hair straighteners, carpets and other consumer products…” (more)

EDITOR: The editorial is timely to NewsLanc’s editorial posted yesterday entitled “EDITORIAL: Lack of fresh air due to over insulation is cause of childhood illnesses.”
