$50 flights from Lancaster to Baltimore

Cape Air, based in our own Lancaster Airport, is offering a $50 one-way trip from Lancaster to the Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI), with free parking to boot. The trip, which would take about two hours by car, can last as little as 20 minutes, according to Scott Smith, Station Manager for Cape Air’s Lancaster location. Of course, you’ll need to be comfortable flying in a small, 9-seat aircraft; but the size can have its advantages.

The pilots are approachable and interactive, even personally helping passengers load their luggage. As Smith describes it, the Cape Air experience is interactive and easy-going, centered on the company’s “MOCHA HAGoTDI” philosophy (Make Our Customers Happy and Have a Good Time Doing It).

From the Lancaster Airport, Cape Air sends four flights each day, filled to around 70% capacity. Most of the passengers are business travelers, connecting from BWI to another major city. Others have used the service to visit local events, such as a recent snowmobile convention and the Manheim Auto Auction. And some nearby senior citizens even ride Cape Air for the sheer fun of the flight.

Unfortunately, due to the Airline’s limited capacity, Smith does not anticipate that Cape Air’s commercial service will be significantly utilized by visitors to the Convention Center. (Some market studies have cited the lack of nearby air-access as a limitation upon the CC’s success.)

Nevertheless, Cape Air provides a valuable service for Lancaster travelers who may want to skip the traffic and take to the skies.
