Month: November 2015

Marriott expansion plan would include 105 new hotel rooms, demolition of 3 downtown buildings

LANCASTERONLINE: The city’s Historical Commission got its first look at plans for a 12-story, 105-room expansion of the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square. The addition would address an identified shortage of hotel rooms needed to attract larger conventions to the Lancaster County Convention Center, which adjoins the Marriott, Thomas Smithgall, a representative of Penn Square […]

PAcourt says porn emails aren’t public records but does not prohibit their release

YAHOO / AP: A Pennsylvania court says pornographic emails on attorney general’s office computers are not public records under the state Right-to-Know Law, but the judges aren’t stopping Attorney General Kathleen Kane from releasing them. Commonwealth Court ruled 6-to-1 Thursday against a request by The Philadelphia Inquirer to release the emails, saying “public records” under […]

Capitolwire: Kane’s suspension creates ‘enormous challenges’ for OAG, top deputy says.

By Kevin Zwick Staff Reporter Capitolwire HARRISBURG (Nov. 18) – Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s law license suspension is putting both internal and external pressure on the office that “requires constant vigilance,” four of her top deputies testified Wednesday. “The confluence of the internal and external problems is really significant. It’s hard to overstate the issue,” […]

Russian’s attitude towards ISIS

On Tuesday, November 17, 2015, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officially announced that the crash of A321 plane en route to St. Petersburg in Sinai was caused by a terrorist attack. When the Metrojet Flight 9268 crashed on October 31, killing all 224 people aboard, Russian media didn’t even list terrorist act as one of the possible causes of the catastrophe.

Who loses most when sales taxes are increased

ABOUT.COM:… •Seniors. People do not earn income at a steady rate during their lifetime. The bulk of most people’s earnings occur before the age of 65. People over the age of 65 have vastly reduced incomes and typically live off the savings they earned while employed in addition to programs like Social Security. A switch […]

Here’s $360 million reasons to raise Pa.’s minimum wage

PENNLIVE OP-ED: …Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Appropriations staff estimates that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour would result in $130 million in additional tax revenue. Second, according to the University of California, Berkeley 2015 report, “The High Public Cost of Low Wages,” the majority of Pennsylvania families who rely on public assistance are working. […]

Mennonite Farmers Prepare to Leave Mexico

NEW YORK TIMES: On the edge of a high plain fringed by craggy sandstone hills, Johan Friesen’s small farm is a testament to the rural providence of his Mennonite people. Neat fields of onion, soybean and yellow corn stretch behind his concrete and adobe house. In the farmyard, a few dozen cows stand in a […]