Month: May 2015

What Liberals Still Don’t Understand About Fox News

POLITICO COLUMN: …Fox News isn’t just bad for America, which is the usual liberal complaint. It’s also bad for the Republican Party, the still-conservative Bartlett holds, because it has stunted the GOP’s growth with a news agenda that ships “misinformation” to the party’s far-right base. This is the so-called Fox “echo chamber” effect you’ve read […]

Why do innocent people confess?

The below will serve as a supplement to LNP’s front page and worthy article “Confession.” We often forget that for every person with above average intelligence, there are those below. For everyone in the top ten percent, there are those in the bottom ten percent. People with emotional problems and limited faculties should be protected […]

LNP: Yesterday’s news tomorrow

It is past 9:00 AM on a Sunday morning. has yet to carry the articles from its Sunday newspaper. Yes, they can be read by going to “e-EDITION” if you are a subscriber to the newspaper. So why are we complaining? When commenting on LNP articles we want to be able to link to […]

Feminists want us to define these ugly sexual encounters as rape. Don’t let them.

It is time to rethink this crusade, which criminalizes bad or uncomfortable sex, thereby trivializing actual sexual violence… In college communities, young people who feel wronged in sexual situations that stem from misunderstanding, pressure or insensitivity could be offered support without being treated as “rape survivors”; remedies might include mediation or joint counseling, clearly inappropriate in cases of sexual assault. Sexual ethics based on honesty, respect and communication can be discussed without turning every lapse into a crime…

PA shows biggest one-month jobs gain in nearly two decades

PENNLIVE / AP: …The state Department of Labor and Industry said Friday that an April survey of employers showed that payrolls grew by 27,000 jobs, the biggest one-month jump since February 1996. The biggest increase was in construction, adding 10,000 jobs. The payrolls figure is preliminary and could be revised next month. Meanwhile, April’s unemployment […]

‘Fast track’ trade fight moves to House

POLITICO: The Senate on Friday approved a “fast track” trade promotion authority bill that will help President Barack Obama conclude a massive Asia-Pacific trade agreement and sets the stage for a fierce battle in the House when lawmakers return in June. The 62-37 vote followed two weeks of debate on the measure, which would allow […]