Month: July 2013

Four in 5 Americans Face Near-poverty

NEWSMAX / AP: Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and […]

Europe should let go of hopeless causes

FINANCIAL TIMES Column: …America matches this toughness with love. In the US, taking a risk and failing is not the end: there is honour in getting back up. Bankruptcy offers a new chance, and the culturally favoured response is to keep fighting. American economic dynamism owes much to this forgiving attitude to risk-taking. Europeans regard […]

US economy takes Olympic leap to add 3% to GDP

FINANCIAL TIMES: US economic history will be rewritten this week, as the most far-reaching methodological changes in years will add the equivalent of a country the size of Belgium to output in the world’s largest economy. The most important change by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, to be announced on Wednesday, will be to start […]

China’s curious limited version of democracy

TORONTO STAR Column: Plans for constructing a nuclear processing plant in China’s Guangdong province have been shelved after demonstrations earlier this month. The people spoke and the authorities caved in. The demonstrators engaged in nothing more than what the organizers called “an innocent stroll.” Yet they defeated a project that would have provided enough fuel […]

Worries Mount as Syria Lures West’s Muslims

NEW YORK TIMES: A rising number of radicalized young Muslims with Western passports are traveling to Syria to fight with the rebels against the government of Bashar al-Assad, raising fears among American and European intelligence officials of a new terrorist threat when the fighters return home. More Westerners are now fighting in Syria than fought […]

World War II responsible for loss of full time jobs

An article in the Lancaster Sunday News entitled “Trend raises concerns about full-time work with benefits” reports: “Between 2009 and 2013, the number of temporary jobs available in Lancaster County grew by 50 percent. That’s four times the national average, and large enough to rank Lancaster ninth among the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the nation for its share of temporary jobs.”


First of all, what does LGH consider “true cost of care”? They have set rates that way overcharge those without insurance while offering say 25% discount to the Amish and greater discounts to health insurance companies.

Israel to release 104 Palestinian prisoners

ALJAZEERA: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said that Israel will free 104 Palestinian prisoners to coincide with the resumption of long-stalled peace talks. “I agreed to free 104 Palestinians in stages, after the start of negotiations and according to progress,” he wrote on his official Facebook page on Saturday evening. Israel’s cabinet is expected to […]