Month: July 2009

Another CC/Hotel scandal?

The Convention Center Authority owns the convention center building. Penn Square Partners (via RACL) is the equitable owner of the Marriott Hotel. And there are certain areas which are owned and operated in common. So in designing the electric and gas systems, the engineers would arrange for separate meters for the three different areas. Correct?…


In an article “Breaking Our Addiction to Prison,” former Drug “Czar” Gen. Barry McCaffrey is quoted as saying: “Our traditional justice system has been inadequate to the task of breaking the cycle of substance abuse and crime. Four out of every five offenses are committed by someone with a drug or alcohol problem; and we […]

Progress can trigger blight

The two adjoining buildings at 141 to 147 E. King Street are across from a an attractive parking garage and within sight of the Convention Center, and yet they have been condemned by the City and are unoccupied and boarded up. According to a report from a NewsLanc contributor: “Several of the front windows on the second and third floors had been removed, and a number of heavy steel beams had been bolted THROUGH the windows; this is an indication that the wall is in danger of collapsing.”


New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof concludes his report from Karachi, Paskistan “Creeping terror” as follows: “In rural Pakistan, you regularly see madrassas established by Islamic fundamentalists, typically offering free tuition, free meals and even scholarships to study abroad for the best students.  It’s clear that the militant fundamentalists believe in the transformative power of […]


An article headed “Bernanke Had to ‘Hold My Nose’ Over Bailouts” reports that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke responded to questions from members of an audience as follows: “I was not going to be the Federal Reserve chairman who presided over the second Great Depression…I had to hold my nose. … I’m as disgusted as […]


An editorial “Money clipped”, starts out “Several of the major banks that received government bailouts are now seeking to repay the money. While this is good – it indicates that economic problems may be easing – it also demonstrated the greed that helped trigger the crisis is also still with us.”

Time may ease racial tensions

Time may ease racial tensions Our seated President was WRONG to comment at all on the Cambridge situation until he knew all the fact and, at that time, remain neutral and let the powers that be handle the situation. Whether a police person is well trained or not, they have elected to have a career in […]

Cops should be able to handle verbal abuse

In a recent editorial, your dog said in part, “But police also have the right to protect themselves from undue verbal abuse. ” If you speaking from a manners point of view, you are correct. BUT according to the Constitution ie… law of the land, you are ABSOLUTELY incorrect! Cops are to be professionals and be able to HANDLE verbal abuse – if they can’t – they should get OUT OF THE KITCHEN.


An editorial “Passing our judgment” asks “If [former State Senator] Mr. Fumo had not been a white power broker, but an African-American or Latino convicted of selling crack, would Judge Buckwalter have cut him similar slack? We doubt it.” WATCHDOG: A more revealing question is “If Mr. Fumo had not been a white power broker, […]


In Editor Marv Adams column “A prayer ‘to no one,’” he quotes Rev. Gerry Stoltzfoos in justifying evoking the name of Jesus at the end of payer before the Pennsylvania House of Representatives as follows: “‘I just wanted to pray to Jesus,’ he said. ‘A prayer addressed to no one is like a letter addressed […]


Gil Smart in his weekly video rant asks whether it is okay if a cop asks a white guy to show him an ID if neighbors saw him and another forcing open a front door. WATCHDOG: The answer is “yes.” Most whites would think nothing of it, let alone throw a fit. Of course some […]


The headline was “Barnstormers manager Von Nayes announces resignation.” The publication date and time was “July 24, 2009, 2:11 PM EST.” WATCHDOG: Note the story was posted in the early afternoon.  This was the proper use of’s web site. Either the public will rely on to provide up to date news, or they will […]