Month: April 2008


SUNDAY NEWS: “[Manheim] township said High must pay for about $27 million worth of traffic improvements at Harrisburg Pike and Route 30. High is eyeing government sources for most of the cost.” WATCHDOG: Better said, High is eyeing taxpayers for most of the cost. High makes a specialty of so funding their projects .

Friends indeed…and conscientious citizens!

The Sunday News April 20 editorial “A friend not in deed” is a lesson on how fragile are the rights of the accused to defend themselves, won with so much sacrifice of lives and fortunes over twenty-five hundred years; and how careless of those rights a provincial newspaper can be. The editorial states: “…if the […]


Apparently reporters and editors of the monopoly (well they were!) Lancaster Newspapers failed to notice that thousands of copies of the initial issue of the Lancaster Post were being handed out downtown on Friday and Saturday….or they didn’t consider this news! Three guesses why.

Lancaster Post soon available at Turkey Hills

According to Christiaan Hart-Nibbrig, Co-Publisher and Co-Editor of the Lancaster Post, free copies of the weekly tabloid “will be available at every Turkey Hill in the County starting next week, as well as at the Barnstormers opening day at Clipper Stadium, April 25th.” During the initial week, copies were handed out in downtown locations by […]

CC: “A bad idea and an ultimate failure”

While the entire financial structure and “deal” with our private “partner” along with the news coverage from a subsidiary of the same “partner” are offensive and a fraud on the public, they are not the worst part of this project, they are merely multipliers of the waste, deception, and corruption that piggybacks itself on such […]

New Publication Launched In Lancaster County

The Lancaster Post published its first edition today and the publishers believe it will provide Lancaster County with a credible alternative to the local monopoly press. The Post is a free issues, arts, and entertainment weekly that will be distributed in every part of Lancaster County. “We heard so many people complain about Lancaster Newspapers […]

Public Reacts to Home Rule Charter

Formed in November 2006 by ballot initiative with the purpose of studying and considering changes to the structure of County government, the Lancaster County Government Study Commission has finalized a draft of what is called a Home Rule Charter. The process of “Home Rule” allows Counties to make certain changes to their form of governance […]

Defends Sentencing of Spiese

Two recent letters regarding child pornography somewhat miss the point. We are a nation of laws. We can discuss the morality of Mr. Spiese’s actions, we can argue the psychology, we can castigate or rationalize depending on our own standards, but the real point is that the Commonwealth has laws regarding child pornography. Mr. Spiese […]

LETTER: Child porn industry exploits children

Being kinky is not a crime. That’s what the New Era and religious conservatives need to understand. My understanding was that the research on the influence of pornography in general has shown that viewing pornography alone really has no impact on one’s likelihood to rape or commit a sex crime, but that viewing pornography depicting […]


In his April 16 article “What’s going on here”, Jack Brubaker poses the question “Once scheduled events end at the Convention Center, will visitors find enough to do as they wander out into the town? Does Lancaster have sufficient restaurants, shops, nightclubs, theaters and other amenities to host thousands of new visitors?” WATCHDOG: Good questions. […]

LETTER: Therapist suggests Spiese not dangerous

Stephen Spiese is guilty of having looked at revolting videos of child sex abuse. The judge put him in jail and under probation for eleven years because he believed Mr. Spiese might perform these same acts on children. I made inquiry of a sex therapist as to the accuracy of this belief. Since there is […]

Lancaster Area Key in PA Democratic Primary, Terry Madonna tells Rotary

“Expect the unexpected in this race,” prominent local pollster and political commentator Terry Madonna told the Rotary Club of Lancaster Wednesday afternoon. “About six months ago, it was the inevitability of Hillary Clinton’s nomination,” he said. “And then we had the inevitability of Rudy [Giuliani].” “There’s a saying that New Yorkers retire, go to Florida […]