$200 million can’t buy flowers

By Cliff Lewis

Recently it came to NewsLanc‘s attention that the several large planters on the Market side of Penn Square are currently adorned with nothing more than clover and weeds. In the peak of the Spring season, there is a not a flower to be seen at the heart of Downtown Lancaster.

Ironically, the City has since January been undertaking a significant streetscape improvement project on the streets intersecting Penn Square. The improvements, which may ultimately cost the City as much as $5 million, were planned in accordance with the opening of a nearly $200 million Downtown “revitalization” project—the Lancaster County Convention Center.

It must, of course, be granted that these planters will be removed later this year as part of major renovations on the Market side of Penn Square. But, though the planters may not last much longer, neither will Spring. Flowers are just as worthwhile now as they ever were.

One need only stroll through a few city neighborhoods to see that it takes a lot less than $200 million to plant a few flowers.
