Lititz, PA: An unlikely Haven for Rock ‘n’ Roll entrepeneurs

New York Times reports:

“This small town in Pennsylvania Dutch country, in the midst of cornfields and dairy farms, would seem an unlikely home for a warehouse filled with the detritus of rock concerts past and future — a large section of the stage for the next Black Eyed Peas tour, the sets for an Elton John concert and gigantic lips from the Rolling Stones.

“But Michael Tait, whose stage-building and designing company Tait Towers, owns the warehouse, said life in Lititz was too good to move elsewhere. In fact, Mr. Tait said, if any of his employees are ever interested in going elsewhere for a job, he’ll pay their expenses while looking.

“’It’s worth it,’ he said. ‘They almost always come back. You could go to L.A. or New York, but it would never be as comfortable and it would surely be more expensive.’”…

To read the full article, click here.


1 Comment

  1. Great story, but in 20 years it will be tough to distinguish Lititz/Lancaster County from Jersey or NOVA.

    If we want this area to remain as it is, we must take steps to keep it that way.

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