Zbigniew Brzeziński: Four major questions of the day

In his newly published book Strategic Vision, America and the Crisis of Global Power,” Zbigniew Brzeziński set forth in the Introduction the following the “four major questions of the day”:

“1.  What are the implications of the changing distribution of global power from the West to the East, and how is it being affected by the new reality of politically awakened humanity?

“2.  Why is America’s global appeal waning what are the symptoms of  America’s domestic and international decline, and how did America waste the unique global opportunity offered by the peaceful end of the Cold War?  Conversely, what are America’s recuperative strengths and what geopolitical reorientation is necessary to revitalize America’s world role?

“3. What would be the likely geopolitical consequences if America declined from its globally preeminent position, who would be the almost-immediate geopolitical victims of such a decline, what effects would it have on the global-scale problems of the twenty-first century, and could China assume America’s central role in world affairs by 2025?

“4.  Looking beyond 2025, how would a resurgent America define its long-term geopolitical goals, and how could America, with its traditional European allies, seek to engage Turkey and Russia in order to construct an even larger and more vigorous West?  Simultaneously how could America achieve balance in the East between the need for close cooperation with China and the fact that a constructive American role in Asia would be neither exclusively China-centric nor involve dangerous entanglements in Asian conflicts?”

The above should be sufficiently tantalizing to entice readers to hurry over to Barnes and Noble or visit Amazon.com to buy the book.  We will return to it at a later date.


1 Comment

  1. We need to ask the question whether being an empire or as we euphemistically call it — policeman of the world — is a good foreign policy, good economic policy. Personally, I see the empire economy not working, and the military empire no longer being viable economically nor as a military strategy.

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