Wolf’s foes question his loyalty to some friends

WASHINGTON TIMES / AP: …Rob McCord, the state treasurer, questioned why Wolf agreed to chair the 2001 re-election campaign of then-York Mayor Charlie Robertson, who was charged with murder in the fatal shooting of a black woman during the city’s 1969 race riots. Robertson, who had been a police officer at the time of the riots, dropped out of the race and was ultimately acquitted.

“What were you thinking when you failed to step away from Charlie Robertson?” asked McCord. The treasurer cited the NBA’s lifetime ban of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, who was caught on tape making racist comments, as an example of how racist behavior should be dealt with…

[Congresswoman Alison] Schwartz also questioned Wolf’s public support for former state Rep. Stephen Stetler, D-York, after he was convicted of corruption and sent to prison. Stetler was released in February… (more)
