Wolf v. Corbett: 5 issues they’ll tussle over between now and November

YORK DAILY RECORD: … 1) Wolf’s business. Wolf has touted his experience running a kitchen cabinet and building products company.

Corbett’s campaign and the state GOP have tried to poke holes in that story.

“You will see the Corbett campaign begin to peel the layers of the onion away, and begin to expose some of the inconsistencies in that story,” [Charlie Gerow, a Republican consultant] said… (more)

EDITOR: Negative revelations could turn the election Corbett’s way. Support for Wolf is a mile wide and an inch thick at this point, because he is basically unvetted and unknown. If ‘sharp dealings’ are attributed to him, he could be toast.


1 Comment

  1. If the average voter were to understand just how much damage Corbett has done to public education – and our future – there is no way that Corbett could defeat any challenger.

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