Wolf maintains large lead over Corbett with month left in governor’s campaign

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: Robert Morris University Polling Institute found 54.6 percent of voters say the Sandusky case would not affect their vote, according to an online survey sponsored by Trib Total Media. Almost 27 percent say Corbett’s handling of the investigation makes them less likely to support his re-election, and 12 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for Corbett.

Corbett was Pennsylvania’s twice-elected attorney general when his office began investigating Sandusky, a longtime Penn State University assistant football coach, on suspicion of sexually abusing boys. It took 16 months for the office to charge Sandusky in November 2011, under his appointed successor Linda Kelly after Corbett became governor…

“Die-hard Penn State fans are unhappy about the way Joe Paterno was treated and the NCAA sanctions” against the school, he said — issues the attorney general’s office played no role in… (more)

EDITOR: Finally a poll is touching on the real reasons that Gov. Tom Corbett is so unpopular. He was slow to prosecute Jerry Sandusky and he was fast to persecute Joe Paterno. In the minds of a good portion of Pennsylvanians, Repubilcans, Independents or Democrats, both are unforgivable.
