Withdrawal symptoms from omitting the newspaper at breakfast

While living in Lancaster for the past forty-five years, morning breakfast was combined with the reading of either the Intelligencer Journal or the Lancaster Sunday News.   It was a pleasant way of starting the day and keeping current with the most important local, state, national and world news.

Yes, we also watched the network news programs and more recently obtain information from the Internet, but the newspaper was a valued and comforting supplement to other sources.

Since the Lancaster Newspapers decided to devote itself almost entirely to local news and human interest coverage  (much of which is of little interest), now we take a magazine or book to the breakfast table.  It isn’t the same.

We wonder how many others are going through withdrawal symptoms as they phase out their newspaper habit.

We don’t believe the Lancaster Newspaper’s newly introduced dumbed down and provincial approach bodes well for them.   But we could be wrong.


1 Comment

  1. LNP seems to be on a ‘crusade’ to identify themselves as the ‘local paper’, where they report on ancillary items of limited interest, or are self-serving for limited ‘power base’.

    With MAJOR issues regarding the many unsolved murders in Lancastrer City, where is LNP in it’s ‘investigative reporting’?

    With MAJOR issues regarding the finances surrounding the Convention Center/Hotel, where is LNP in it’s investigative reporting?

    With MAJOR issues regarding the lack of mayoral candidates in the upcoming election, where is LNP in it’s ‘investigative reporting’?

    With basically no new businesses starting up in downtown Lancaster since the inception of the ‘PSP brain-child’; where is LNP in it’s ‘investigative reporting’?

    There is much they could be reporting on of ‘local interest’, if only they would choose to do so.

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