With Hershey Trust action, Kane follows her predecessors’ footsteps

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Op Ed: …The problem was that, as with his Penn State investigation, Mr. Corbett was more interested in gathering support for running for Governor. The platter was served up but, no matter, Corbett was already dining with Zimmerman
The “investigation” was then “continued” by Corbett’s handpicked successor with predictable lack of results. Then along came the great white hope, Ms. Kathleen Kane, who ironically enough ran for Attorney General against Mr. Zimmerman’s son- in-law. She won.

However, among some of her own supporters and among observers of the Hershey Trust, the writing was on the wall once she selected as one of her chief aides a big law firm insider whose was related by marriage to another big political honcho formerly at the same law firm and now employed at Hershey… (more)



  1. Humm. Has some of the shine come off a Newlanc favorite? Could it be her only redeeming quality is not that she is for people, but she is against Tom Corbett and envies the governor’s mansion.

  2. There should have been charges and penalties for these misdeeds.

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