Will the Affordable Care Act lead to similar good results as Medicare for Everyone?

Yesterday evening the wife and I attended a lecture by Ezekiel Emanuel, an author of the Affordable Care Act, at the Harvard Club in New York City. (No, the publisher is not a Harvard graduate. He married up!)

We were encouraged to learn that ACA (otherwise known as “Obama Care”) will in the long run achieve much of the same goals as “Medicare For Everyone” by putting price pressure on all health care delivers and thus leading to far greater efficiency.

Since the Club rules bar the media from reporting on what is said, we ordered the speaker’s recently published “Reinventing American Health Care: How the Affordable Care Act will Improve our Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust, Outrageously Expensive, Grossly Inefficient, Error Prone System.” We expect to find the same startling information but with greater elaboration there, and will report on it.

It is Lancaster tragedy that Lancaster General Health wants to conduct in secret its merger explorations with the University of Pennsylvania health care system. They would do themselves and the public so much better service if they were to discuss as Dr. Emanuel does the changes underway and its implications on the rapidly changing role of hospitals.

Why does this institution with an oversized andstrictly establishment board assume the rest of us are idiots who cannot participate in an informed discussion? Who is running LGH anyway? Somehow, we doubt it it Tom Beeman.

Tom, ask your mother to allow you to come out and play with the rest of us.
