Will High Real Estate prevail with the Crossings S. C?

Comment #1)  I am somewhat surprised they did not get every penny they asked for but give them time…it will come through for them in the end.

Comment #2)  To the writer of Comment #1: Your comment shows a defeatist attitude. What you need to do is to contact JAMES COWHEY, executive director of the Lancaster County Transportation Coordinating Committee ([email protected] (717) 299-8333 Fax : 717-299-3659) and tell him that you don’t want any tax dollars going to pay for the infrastructure for High’s planned Crossings shopping center. Tell him that the public opposes the Crossings because of its closeness to Park City and Long’s Park, also because many other shopping centers in the area have vacant stores.

Tell Cowhey that the Rt. 30/Harrisburg Pike interchange, even if it is not perfect, does a reasonably good job of handling the traffic it has now. Other roads and intersections are in greater need of immediate work, including basic repairs. Tell him that there is something wrong with PennDOT if they can’t plan for more than a 10-year life on a major project such as the $45 million reconstruction, completed in 2001, of the Rt. 30/Harrisburg Pike interchange..

Also, after next Tuesday’s election, write to the newly-elected state and federal officials and tell them that you any oppose any government funds being allocated to rebuild the Rt. 30/Harrisburg Pike interchange.


1 Comment

  1. Thank you for the information. I have written several times to Ray LaHood and will now contact the persons you named.

    The Crossroads is a very public and in your face example of special interests. To put a halt to this project would be a victory for the people of Lancaster city…..to finally say ENOUGH!

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