Will every ‘kinky’ person please stand up!

Headlines across the nation are similar to the Huffington Posts / AOL: “Anthony Weiner Press Conference: Admits Sending Racy Pictures, Refuses To Resign.”

The Watchdog first heard about the matter on PBS News Hour this evening.  So he wondered:

Had Congressman Weiner murdered  someone?

Raped someone?

Abused a child?

Taken graft?

Cheated on his wife?

Beat his dog?

Peed behind a tree in the park?

Turns out while ignoring the impending double dip recession and the cost of health care, the nation’s attention is riveted on Weiner having sent pictures of his upper torso to middle age women whom he never met, never intended to meet, and with whom  for some kinky reasons he enjoyed communicating.  (Many men just feel lonely, even when they are married.  Perhaps women do too.)

Oh that none of our sins be greater!

Weiner may need to spend some time chatting with a psychiatrist, but he hardly is unworthy of his constituents continued support given his outstanding representation of their and the nation’s interests.   And that is what should count.

Now let’s get back to serious matters, such as the deficit reduction mania by those who brought us the problem!



  1. Well said.

  2. Hahaha!

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