Will Bamford bring High style “openness” to Township?

One of Lancaster Newspapers’ business partners’ employees was elected [as Lancaster] Township Supervisor should have been the headline. They didn’t even put it in the body of the story!

According the article Ben Bamford—who is pushing the High Project across from Long’s Park—“emphasized a need for more openness and citizen involvement in local government.”

Let’s hope he didn’t learn what he knows from the convention center project!



  1. Just remember that Tony Allen was one of the most brutal critics of Dick Shellenberger and Molly Henderson. Many times he spoke out of turn at public meetings, rudely making wild and unfounded accusations against our County Commissioners.

    He also would commonly make the coarsest kind of attacks against opponents of the taxpayer-financed hotel and convention center project.

  2. No question…. but that has nothing to do withholding information

  3. The election is over and the people have cast their votes with most of them really not knowing what they were getting. So lets hope that he keeps his word for open government and allows for citizen input.

  4. I have known Tony Allen for many years. His agenda is self-promotion lacking conscience or remorse. Undoubtably, Ben Bamford will see Mr. Allen sitting in front of him at every township meeting.

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