Why can’t American media simply acknowledge the splendid Russian Olympic presentation?

The Daily Beast didn’t list the opening of the Sochi winter Olympics as one of their top twenty stories.

USA Today , Huffington Post and NewsMax published articles carping at small snafus or extraneous criticisms rather than reporting on the magnificence of the first night spectacle.

Even he New York Time’s lead web site coverage was superficial and begrudging, although its print edition front page article“Olympics Opening Ceremony Offers Fanfare for a Reinvented Russia” did justice to the spectacle.

We don’t like Vladimir Putin either. But he and his nation wanted to entertain and inspire the world as well as pay tribute to proud aspects of their nation’s history. It was their “fifteen minutes” of fame. What is the matter with that?

Sometimes we should lighten up and acknowledge that an adversary has done something worthwhile.

We watched and enjoyed the entire extraordinary presentation. Three cheers for the Russian.



  1. The Olympics is no place for animosity. Animosity will not create a better world, but apparently hate sells advertising. Three cheers for the Russian indeed.

  2. Good points. The opening ceremony was spectacular, glitches and all, regardless of what country put it on.

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