When the media attacks Kathleen Kane on her gender, it is sexism pure and simple

Below we have excerpts from a column by an otherwise distinguished columnist on Pennsylvania affairs. The backhanded attack demonstrates just how blind the male media is to their misogynistic bent and how desperate they have become to unseat Attorney General Kathleen Kane in order to protect their ‘old boys network.’

“Has Kathleen Kane ‘set back’ women?
By Brad Bumsted

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: …It’s become quite a spectacle. An accused felon without a valid law license presides as the chief law enforcement officer of Pennsylvania…

“This whole scene has prompted several observers, including women, to remark privately that Kane’s travails, many of them brought on by her own actions, will set back women in Pennsylvania political life. That may or may not be true… ”

All this is not to say that Ferman’s right and that Kane is wrong. It’s just to note the success of Ferman and other women… “ (more)

Sure it is!



  1. This Bumsted article is outrageous and sexist. It shows the depths to which these guys are sinking.

    Women in Pennsylvania politics are expected to do three things: go along, smile, and wear a pretty hat.

    B. K.

  2. But the AG of TX did worse and he still has his job and the protection of the TX GOP

  3. If Corbett had done it while he was AG, you would be screaming for his head.

  4. It’s about her gender and her party.

  5. She is not being charged because she is a woman. She is charged because a grand jury determined she committed several crimes.

    EDITOR: We have received similar messages, all seeming to confuse being accused of a crime with having been convicted of one.

    Attorney General Kathleen Kane has been indicted for an infraction so technical as to be difficult to understand. Even if so, at worse, it was an indiscretion.

    As preposterous as it sounds, her accuser is the Philadelphia Daily News that said she was a source of confidential information. Who ever heard of a newspaper exposing its sources? Reporters have gone to jail rather than be compelled to do so.

    As for the grand jury, as the saying goes, a good prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. It is all about what the prosecutor presents. The accused has to await his/her day in court.

    In short, it is far from clear that Kane will be convicted on any charge.

    Wouldn’t it be an outrage if she is found not-guilty and yet Kane has been removed from office and from political life. This will make a lot of her adversaries, largely the ‘old boys club’ happy and secure, but we don’t think it will go down well with the public. Certainly it will be most unfair to Kane.

  6. It appears the AG Kane has ruffled the ” old boys club” to the point of unfounded accusations. She apparently struck a nerve in the corruption in our state. The corruption seems to be at the lower level to the high level of public servants state wide from what has been published. I feel AG Kane is on the right track

  7. It appears the AG Kane has ruffled the ” old boys club” to the point of unfounded accusations. She apparently struck a nerve in the corruption in our state. The corruption seems to be at the lower level to the high level of public servants state wide from what has been published. I feel AG Kane is on the right track

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