When it comes to the debate, NYT columnist more cynical than even our editor

Concerning last evening’s Democrat debate, the New York Time columnist article “Hillary Clinton Responds to Email Questions, With an Assist from Bernie Sanders” commented as follows:

“[Hillary Rodham Clinton] called the House committee investigating her email “a partisan vehicle” that is nothing more than an arm of the Republican National Committee. But, she said, efforts to lower her poll ratings have not worked…

“ ‘I think the secretary is right,’ Mr. Sanders said. ‘That is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.’ ”

“That might have been a clever move for Mr. Sanders, making him look kind to his rival even as he seeks to push the campaign back to the issues. But it also helped Mrs. Clinton dodge what might have been one of the toughest issues of her first debate. And Mr. Sanders somewhat inexplicably gave away the email issue as a way to criticize Mrs. Clinton in the future.”

In our eyes since the get go, Bernie Sanders is not running for the Presidency but is using the campaign bully pulpit to energize progressives and win over new comers. What the columnist perceives as opportunism, we felt was sheer righteous indignation, given with the passion and conviction as his other deeply held views.

Oh that we had someone of Bernie Sanders stature to defend Attorney General Kathleen Kane against these petty, politically motivated and ass covering accusations.

POST SCRIPT: Later in the morning we heard David Axelrod echo our sentiments concerning the role of Bernie Sanders. He said that he doesn’t think Sanders looks into the mirror in the morning and sees himself as President of the United States.

Interestingly, FACEBOOK disclosed that 75% of its viewers who commented felt that Sanders had won the debate, versus 26% for Clinton. By and large, they represent our younger generation.
