What’s new with the War on Drugs

By Doug McVay, Editor of Drug War Facts
It’s 2013. The drug war continues, yet it is evolving.

In the 2012 general election, two US states (WA and CO) legalized marijuana for adult personal use.

Syringe exchange has been accepted as a necessary part of public health and drug control policy in most civilized nations, as has substitution treatment.  (Methadone and Buprenorphine)

In the 1980s and 1990s, the US government would not allow use of the phrase “harm reduction” in grant proposals or research papers. In 2012, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Gil Kerlikowske, addressed (via video) the Harm Reduction Coalition’s 9th National Conference, praising harm reduction.

Drug policies get shaped by evidence – by the facts. It takes time however to wear away old prejudices.

Change is happening, which makes it more important than ever for people to get informed, stay informed,
and participate in the debate.
