What Lancaster General’s trustees refuse to help provide

The following is a report from a syringe exchange from a comparably sized PA city

June 2012 Monthly Report

Twenty-one participants were tested for HIV in June.

June 2012 Report

Total contacts: 390

Total IDU contats: 364

Total unduplicated IDU contacts: 312

Syringes: 3820

Condoms distributed: Male- 2396, Female-46, Dental Dams-54 Finger Cots-70

Demographics of unduplicated IDU contacts:

African American male: 42

White Male: 52

Latino: 92

African American female: 30

White female: 54

Latina: 42

We completed 294 referrals for various services.

This month, as a result of our 97 total D&A referrals, nine participants entered into drug treatment facilities. This indicates those of whom we are aware; there may be additional entries of which we are not aware.

EDITOR: Lancaster has no syringe exchange despite an offer by the Urban League to sponsor a state of the art program providing Lancaster General Health would help fund it.   LGH, which enjoys the non-taxable status of a Public Charity,  declined despite its so called mission statement to promote public health.

Now with the Affordable Care Act providing insurance for many who previously could not pay,  LGH and others hospitals will actually profit from the spread of addiction and social diseases!  The unrepresentative and self selected  board of trustees of the opaque, self centered and spendthrift  Lancaster General Health  is a disgrace to our community.    Local media and elected officials are  too timid to say so.  In fact, a top official of the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. sits on LGH’s  secretive board!
