What do Democrat Kathleen Kane and Republican Chris Christie have in common?

A New York Time’s article “Ex-Official Says Chris Christie Broke Grand Jury Law” reports:

“[ David Wildstein, a former Port Authority official]’s statement, in a civil case separate from the federal prosecution in the bridge case, …portrays the governor, a former United States attorney, casually revealing information about a grand jury proceeding he had overseen, which violates federal law.”

As we have been told by members of the bar, ‘leaking’ of information from grand jury reports, especially those of some years ago, is not that unusual.

It has not yet even established that Pennsylvania Attorney General indeed did leak testimony to what turned out to be a vindictive Philadelphia Inquirer. (Who ever heard of reporters disclosing their sources?) But even if she did, the offense is relatively petty and hardly calls for an indictment or resignation.

This is political ‘gotcha.’ The public should spurn efforts by certain Republicans and publications such as the Inquirer and LNP to drive the first elected Democrat and female attorney general out of office.

The efforts against Kane are another Bill Clinton impeachment; Joe Paterno firing.
