We all pay taxes to support CC

I am SICK and TIRED of the convention center supporters trotting out the ‘local taxpayers pay nothing’ as though the tax dollars spent on this dog a project do not have an diminishing effect. Where do you think the MILLIONS of dollars of state money is coming from – a money tree?!?!

Besides, those tax dollars WASTED on this project are tax dollars that could have gone for any number of better projects or left in the pockets of those paying it.

Lancaster County is known for being a cheap vacation and those coming here are counting pennies. Those taxes taken from them are dollars that they would have to spend on businesses throughout the county. This is basic economy 101! But project cheerleaders clearly do not understand how to run a business, a government or economic principles.


1 Comment

  1. Well stated…I couln’t agree more. Lancaster “leadership” has a large void to fill….we need conscientious leaders who consider the taxpayers as the ‘bottom-line’…not filling the pockets of corporate ‘bottom-lines’

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