We all know why David Unkovic left Harrisburg


David Unkovic suddenly resigned as the receiver appointed by Gov. Tom Corbett to recommend and implement a plan to get Harrisburg out of debt. The Harrisburg City Council members, keeping with their past history of making everything more difficult than it could be, demanded a hearing as to why Mr. Unkovic resigned; one of their theories was that Corbett forced him out of office. …

Let us recall what happened. Gov. Corbett told Mr. Unkovic that he could not recommend broad-based tax increases such as sales taxes or commuter taxes. The Legislature refused to let him file for bankruptcy — at least for a year. A group of clergy filed a lawsuit claiming that his appointment was unconstitutional. …

Then there was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was clear that any solution to the city’s debt would include Unkovic selecting an individual to operate the incinerator until it was time to sell it. Was he allowed to undertake this essential role? No…

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