Watching Toomey’s line in the sand


When Don Adams of the Independence Hall Tea Party Association heard about Pat Toomey’s selection to the exclusive debt supercommittee, he sighed with relief.

With Toomey, a freshman Republican U.S. senator, Adams said he feels solace that someone will be on the panel who shares his belief that big government impedes economic growth, and who will be “reminding [the 11 other] committee members every day.” Mitch McConnell

It’s no surprise that fiscal conservatives rejoiced on learning one of their own would be in the debt talks’ inner circle. Toomey has a long-standing reputation as an advocate for limited government, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell clearly chose the Pennsylvanian because of his anti-spending credentials…

Click here to read the full article.


1 Comment

  1. If you were looking for a no compromise, take no prisoners, combative, ideologue to sit on a bi-partisan panel to work out a partisan deal who would be better that Pat Toomey?

    Republicans gave up nothing and gained everything in the last “deal”, and did so by being so tough they would not blink at disaster in order to win. So Toomey is just the person we need. Atta Boy Mitch. Get all you want or burn the house down.

    That is statesmanship today and just the kind of bloodbath so many people seem to be wishing for. A new religious war. A new Civil war. Good against evil! Too bad its all beside the point. No jobs will come from it, and between now and Thanksgiving we will sink deeper into oblivion while this tragic circus continues.

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