“In Penn State’s failure to act”, columnist Eugene Robinson asserts “[In 1998] The local district attorney declined to prosecute, and the investigation was closed.”

WATCHDOG: All the more reason to believe that local and likely state authorities were well aware of Defense Coach Jerry Sandusky’s alleged subsequent crimes and sat on their hands.   Given the huge significance of the potential scandal, is it possible that the local district attorney did not discuss this with the state attorney general office?   Is it possible that the staff at the state office would not have brought it to the attention of Attorney General, now governor,  Tom Corbett?

Now we see Governor Corbett going to the meeting of the Penn State Board of Trustees this evening.  Is it to squelch any discussion of how local and state authorities acted?  His attendance is a disgrace.

The national media has had their attention deflected to Joe Paterno when they should be looking at the criminal justice system and asking about the involvement of Tom Corbett.


1 Comment

  1. One interesting sidelight: the county da disappeared in 2005 … was recently declared legally dead. he had declined to prosecute and it would have been nice to have been able to ask him why.


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