Was it really a conspiracy?


Perhaps it’s because I’m in the reputation protection business, and maybe I’m stepping in front of a proverbial train, but it seems to me that before we race to remove statues, erase murals and rewrite the obituary of Joe Paterno, we ought to ease off the throttle just a bit….

There is no excuse for the failure of Paterno and the others to act in a manner that could have prevented additional boys from becoming victims. Paterno himself said as much. He is no longer here to defend himself, and while the episode certainly stains his legacy, his accomplishments and contributions to many of the best things about collegiate competition cannot be denied…

But characterizing their malfeasance as “a conspiracy to conceal,” “a culture of secrecy” and “total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims” implies a level of malevolence that is not supported by the facts in the Freeh report…

Click here to read the full article.
