Was 2014 the Year Science Discovered The Female Orgasm

DAILY BEAST: Sigmund Freud once told a female colleague: “The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my 30 years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’”

Female sexuality has long confounded researchers and eluded popular understanding. We have spent decades refuting myths about female sexuality: women aren’t frigid and sexless, women want sex just as much as men, women also enjoy casual sex. Our internal anatomy has also remained shrouded in mystery. The mythical G-Spot has been playing an endless game of peekaboo with scientists: First, it seems to show itself and then it disappears just as quickly. And scientists still don’t fully understand the mechanisms behindfemale ejaculation or even female orgasm.

Nearly a hundred years after Freud posed that question, we’ve firmly established that women do indeed want sex but scientists are just starting to understand how that works. And the year 2014, in particular, has borne witness to a seemingly unprecedented number of studies examining female sexuality and especially female orgasm. Are we finally unlocking the secrets of female sexuality? Can scientific research sweeten our sex lives? Let’s find out… (more)
