Was 2013 indeed a bad year for President Obama?

Was 2013 indeed a bad year for President Obama?.

He muscled through, despite what he termed as “screw ups”, the launching of the Affordable Care Act which will provide coverage for over thirty million citizens.

He stared down the Tea Party extremists and thus enabled the Republican Party to recover its center and respectability. Speaker John Boehner probably is grateful. (We would love to be privy to their private conversations.)

He ignored the militarists and kept us out of a war in Syria. He was among the first to understand that the rebels were not necessarily freedom fighters but, in good part, the very Taliban and Al-Qaeda who are attacking us in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

He continued to advocate, although without much success, for fiscal stimulus to spur the country out of the prolonged high level of unemployment.

He showed the courage of his convictions, paying little heed to his level of popularity and concentrating on creating a legacy of major accomplishments.

He has proven stoic and unflappable.

To the extent practical, he has demonstrated benign neglect when it comes to the War on Drugs.

He and his family have been an inspiration for the rest of us.

What a remarkable guy! If the current trajectory of his presidency continues, we believe he will be ranked as one of the half dozen best presidents.
