Wall Street protests mark 20th day Thursday

From CNN–

Thursday marks the 20th day of Wall Street protests and the grassroots demonstrations against income inequality, corporate greed and other social ills appear to be picking up steam.

The crowds at the “Occupy Wall Street” rally on Wednesday seemed to be the largest since the protests started. At the event, protesters and officers scuffled and New York police arrested 28 people for various offenses including one facing charges of assaulting an officer.

While the fledgling movement has struggled in its definition, demonstrators appear steadfast in their general criticism of the country’s wealthiest 1% and its purported influence…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: The irony here is what these presumably ‘liberal’ protestors want is not that different from what most Tea Party members desire.   Perhaps this is the reason why there has been little if any criticism of the young people.  In the 1960’s and early 1970’s, the Viet Nam War protestors were highly controversial an the nation was sharply divided.
