Voters will be asked, but not required, to show photo ID

By: Carol Aichele, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL Op – Ed: Pennsylvania voters next month will again be asked — but not required — to show photo identification at the polls. This is consistent with Commonwealth Court’s August injunction order, which in most respects allowed a continuation of the voter ID law’s transition period, while the court decides whether the law should be fully implemented.

The Commonwealth Court injunction order leaves intact the provision of the law that requires voter education. Thus, voters are seeing and hearing commercials reminding them they will be asked, but not required, to show photo ID at the polls in November…

In accord with the judge’s ruling, poll workers are prohibited from telling voters that they will need an ID for a future election, as that won’t be known until a final court decision is made. Poll workers will still give written information about the voter ID law to any voter not producing an acceptable ID… (more)
