Veto override tough proposition for GOP as Pa. budget impasse drags on

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE COLUMN: If a state budget impasse continues, conservative Democrats eventually will be willing to join Republicans and override Gov. Tom Wolf’s veto of a no-tax-hike budget, House Speaker Mike Turzai predicts…

In a 101-day impasse in 2009 under former Gov. Ed Rendell, public pressure swelled in the fall as schools opened without state funding on the horizon. Lawmakers and the Democratic governor concluded a deal that October, on a state budget due by law June 30…

“Harrisburg Republicans passed a failed, unbalanced, status quo budget that the people of Pennsylvania do not support,” said Wolf’s spokesman, Jeffrey Sheridan. “Tom Wolf didn’t become governor just to try and get to next month or next year using gimmicks and phony math.”… (more)
