Vaping: e-cigarettes safer than smoking, says Public Health England

THE GUARDIAN: The health body concluded that, on “the best estimate so far”, e-cigarettes are about 95% less harmful than tobacco cigarettes and could one day be dispensed as a licensed medicine in an alternative to anti-smoking products such as patches.

While stressing that e-cigarettes are not free from risk, PHE now believes that e-cigarettes “have the potential to make a significant contribution to the endgame for tobacco”.

The message was backed by the government’s chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, who nevertheless cautioned that “there continues to be a lack of evidence on the long-term use of e-cigarettes”. She said they should only be used as a means to help smokers quit… (more)

EDITOR: Nicotine is highly addictive and there is little reason for anyone to incur the compulsion and cost. However, it is good news that other forms of damage to smokers are alleviated.
