An  article entitled “McDonald’s CEO makes a stand for Ronald” reports:

“McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner came out swinging Thursday when asked about Ronald McDonald and whether the burger chain hooks children with junk food.

“Skinner, speaking at the company’s annual shareholders meeting at McDonald’s headquarters outside Chicago, said that newspaper ads on Wednesday calling for Ronald’s retirement had prompted an outpouring of support to his office, with parents and customers asking Skinner “to defend their right to choose.”

“A group called Corporate Accountability International (CAI) paid for the ads, which said Ronald is encouraging unhealthy eating habits and contributing to childhood obesity and related diseases such as diabetes…”    (more)

WATCHDOG: The request by CAI is brilliant political activism in bringing the unhealthy menu and bad sales activities of McDonalds to the public’s attention.

Look to McDonald’s improving their menu and we would not be surprised to see Ronald evolve into a spokesperson for better dietary habits.

Three wags of the tail for the folks at CAI!
