US Airways-American Airlines merger is bad deal for Pennsylvania passengers

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editorial: …Bad as airline passengers have it now, things will get even worse if the merger goes through. As past mergers have proven, fares will go up, the number of flights will go down, and charges for other aspects of flight and ticketing “service” are likely to increase.

Pennsylvanians will be among those most affected, since US Airways has a hub in Philadelphia, is a leading carrier in Harrisburg and provides many flights to several other airports in the state.

That’s why Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was right to join the U.S. Justice Department in filing an antitrust suit to block the merger. (Gov. Tom Corbett has taken a more tolerant stance. He put out a press release professing concern for consumers and saying “My office carefully studied the lawsuit” and “will closely monitor developments.”) … (more)
