Unemployment in PA soars to 8.2%

According to data from the state Department of Labor and Industry, unemployment in Pennsylvania went from 7.8% in July to 8.2% in August.

This is further evidence that, at least for the ‘rust belt’ if not for financial centers, a double dip depression is already upon us.

NewsLanc warned again and again over the past two years that failure to enact a second stimulus bill as urged by the Obama Administration would stall recovery.   The nation and world paid a huge price when premature efforts were made in 1936 to reduce deficit spending and the country fell further into depression in 1937 just as it was showing signs of recovery.

We were not alone in our fears.  The majority of respected economists were sounding the same warnings.

How can a nation  reduce deficits with over 15% of the population either out of work, part time, or working at jobs far below their skill and normal pay level?   Government costs increase with unemployment and tax receipts dwindle.  Anyone should be able to understand that simple truth.

Apparently there are those who either prefer to make cheap political points or are so ideological and partisan that they are unwilling or unable to grasp reality.

Sometimes being right is very sad!


1 Comment

  1. Some people, who are motivated and creative in providing for themselves and/or families, work under the table and pay no taxes. They are left with no choice…..in which case, those who are surviving and sometimes thriving in a poor economy, keep all their money. And what of it…we are a nation of volunteers and as much as we can, we do for each other…fundraisers, walks for cures, donations and collections. I surely would not resent a person who is making a living on their own.

    However, our roads and bridges need repaired and replaced, and schools need funding, those unable to work need room and board and those who have retired need social security. We do need to cut the budget but let us not deny our citizens dignity.

    Get rid of the fancy football fields, hi tech auditoriums and get busy teaching the students to read and write. Football games, cheerleading squads can exist on parent contributions. The same goes for all other school related extra curricular activites.

    And for the sake of all the young people who are not college bound, let’s have home economics and trades as serious subjects. Master electricians earn generous salaries and can eventually become business owners and the home economics training is essential for young mothers, future fashion designers, and chefs.

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