Undoing of Obama Administration is by Obama

By Dick Miller

WE.CONNECT.DOTS: No political pundit can write “the Obama administration is starting to unravel.”

Four months into his second term, President Obama has yet to get it together. President George Bush, with his tight inner circle, left no doubt who was in charge. Same can’t be said for Obama.

The most recent scandals – Benghazi, spying on journalists, IRS heavy-handedness – are not game changers. These are more examples of how inept the Obama administration can be.

White House incompetence began with the health care mumble-jumble. Obama backed off almost on Day One of his first term in 2009 and, in fact, the words “universal health care” now almost never pass his lips.

His minions allowed Republican antagonists to attend close door meetings discussing the development of the Affordable Care Act. Obama thought if they were at the table compromise could be reached.

Some of the GOP provisions remained in the 1,200-page bill. Some insertions were intended to sabotage Obamacare. The Republican caucus in the House of Representatives did not provide one vote for passage. The GOP refuses to submit nominees to bipartisan boards to oversee implementation of Obamacare.

On April 5, 2010 an explosion at Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia killed 29 miners. President Obama said he would get right on stricter safety regulations.

Fifteen days later an oil rig explosion in Gulf of Mexico killed 11, injured 17 and continued to gush oil for the next 87 days. CNN News reported federal inspectors overseeing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico accepted meals and sporting event tickets from companies they monitored. The Interior Department’s inspector general said the inspectors let drilling rig workers fill out government inspection forms for them. The U.S. attorney in that region declined to bring charges.

A month later Shirley Sherrod, a black mid-level appointee in the Agriculture Department, was fired on orders from Obama. At a public meeting she detailed conversations she had with a white farmer in need of aid. A right wing group took film of the event and edited it to make it appear Sherrod was racist. When the devious film editing came to light, Obama apologized and ask her to return to work.

In the IRS’s intimidation of conservative groups seeking tax-free status, facts again show the Obama administration was not in control. The last commissioner of the IRS, a Bush appointee, completed his six-year term in November, 2012. Obama has yet to submit a nominee for replacement to the Senate for confirmation. Instead, Obama fired the acting commissioner, only on the job since November.

Not to be forgotten: the IRS plays a major role in the implementation of Obamacare. The tax collection group was written into the Affordable Care Act because of its independence and trust.

In the scandal where the Justice Department subpoenaed the phone records of Associated Press reporters to learn the source of a security leak, Attorney General Eric Holder is proud to be clueless. He claims he recused himself from making the decision to mess with First Amendment rights.

The Justice Department did not cooperate with a House subpoena for records involving the gun walking scandal last year. Holder was the first AG to ever be held in contempt of Congress.

Statistics show Republican have been more obstinate in blocking confirmations than the play between any past presidents and the Senate. The terms of all six commissioners of the Federal Election Commission have expired, but Bush holdovers continue to draw their $155,000 annual salaries.

Critical shortages of judges exist in the circuit courts of appeal which do the run-ups on issues that end at the Supreme Court. The Third Circuit, mostly Bush appointees, just invalidated every Obama interim nominee to the National Labor Relations Board.

Candidates get ignored rather than confirmed because Obama is unwilling to fight. Obama was slow in clearing out Bush inspection people. As a result, an attitude of disregard for safety contributed to many deaths in industrial catastrophes. All of this provides excuses for Republican lust for scandal hearings rather than doing the business of the country.

BOTTOM LINE — Obama fiddles while Washington burns.
