U.S. Fears Grow of a ‘Newly Awakened’ Russian Navy

DAILY BEAST COLUMN:  A new report from the U.S. Navy’s intelligence branch paints a sobering picture of Putin’s increasingly aggressive fleet—and its deadly international shows of force…

And while the report—which the Navy intends for public consumption—has been years in the making, recent events have underscored just how serious its findings are. It’s becoming clearer by the day that, with the strong backing of President Vladimir Putin, the Russian navy is making a serious effort to challenge the world’s preeminent maritime power—the United States…

And in certain key aspects the Russia fleet has recently, and to the rest of the world’s great surprise, caught up to the Americans. In October, Russian warships in the Caspian Sea fired newKalibr cruise missiles thousands of miles to hit rebel targets in Syria. And in December a Russian submarine repeated the feat, firing Kalibrs into Syria from the Mediterranean…  (more)

