Two pieces of good news for Lancaster County residents

The front page story “Local police will carry naloxone, a ‘miracle drug’ to save lives after overdose” reports:

“As early as next week, all police officers in the county will have two doses of the prescription life-saving drug in their cars.

“ ‘The bottom line is, obviously, to save lives,’ District Attorney Craig Stedman said at a press conference Tuesday at the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center.”

Though long overdue, District Attorney Stedman deserves credit for leading the endeavor.

We also tip our hat to the Steinman Family and LNP who have always taken a progressive approach to harm reduction efforts pertaining to drug policy.

LNP also expressed our view in their balanced editorial “Release Officers’ names.”

If a police officer fires his gun, let alone wounds or kills someone, they cannot hide behind their badge. Although this may work some hardship and conceivably (although far fetched) endanger the individual, it is the only way the public can be assured that the police are acting in a responsible manner.


1 Comment

  1. FINALLY LNP has summoned the nerve to actually question the District Attorney and Police Department policies. Now….how long before they begin to follow-up, investigate and report their findings?

    Is there the smallest beginnings of real journalism??

    We can only hope.

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