Tsipras announces Greek referendum on creditors’ bailout demands

FINANCIAL TIMES: Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, has announced a national referendum on whether his country should agree to creditors’ demands that would release desperately-needed bailout aid to avoid national bankruptcy.

In a televised address to the nation after a late-night meeting of his cabinet, Mr Tsipras announced that the plebiscite would be held on July 5, a week on Sunday.

Mr Tsipras was unenthusiastic about the referendum, saying the creditors’ proposal was “blackmail” and an “indecent proposal”. But he said he would abide by the will of the Greek people as to whether to accept the agreement, presented at a meeting of eurozone finance ministers on Thursday… (more)

EDITOR: Brilliant! Incidentally, we have long felt that Greece and the rest of the Euro Zone would benefit from Greece departing and two or three other nations, likely Spain and Portugal, soon following.
