Tom Corbett cuts Tom Wolf’s lead to 12 points, Morning Call/Muhlenberg College Poll show

LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL: …The poll, released Friday, shows Wolf up 12 percentage points over Corbett when the opinions of undecided leaning voters are included. Wolf garnered 51 percent of the vote with leaners and Corbett 39 percent of the vote with leaners, the poll found.

“We are seeing better Republican numbers and we are seeing traction on tax issues,” said Muhlenberg College pollster and political science professor Chris Borick.

Wolf, a York County businessman and former state Revenue Department secretary, has proposed replacing the state’s flat 3.07 percent income tax with a graduated levy that could lead to higher taxes for higher earners and some businesses, and lower taxes for lower earners… (more)


1 Comment

  1. I took the time today (11/3) to read the transcript of the call-in on Lancaster Online where the new editorial board was explaining their political endorsements. NO ONE called in!! The entire 30 minutes was occupied by LNP staffers.

    Evidently LNP has lost whatever political influence they once felt they had. How embarrassing (and deservedly so) for the ‘new’ format/direction that ‘Always Lancaster’ is attempting to create.

    I cancelled my home delivery subscription last week… wife and I agree that there is just not enough “news” amongst all the advertising to make it worth reading.

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