Throwing mud at Gov. Tom Corbett

(Re “Only an independent blue-ribbon panel can properly investigate the Sandusky scandal”)

Bill, you certainly seem have a massive woody for Governor Corbett. What a stew you are cooking up.

In this one posting you accuse him of enabling a debauched child molester, a crime which, when reported in 1998, was not prosecuted aggressively by local authorities (way before Corbett was AG) yet somehow you want to lay the lack of immediate prosecution at the governors feet.

You then want to further tie it to legal political donations, implying those who donated were buying the Governor’s acquiescence to protecting said child molester. Not because political donating was illegal but because you don’t like it.

You then lurch forward to imply that Shell Oil got a special deal., i.e., for a mere $50,000 the Governor gave Shell a $67 million tax abeyance. As I read the facts, Shell was planning to construct a $3.2 billion dollar ethane cracking petrochemical plant in Beaver county with 10,000 construction jobs and 20,000 permanent jobs in the balance; in comparison $67 million in tax abeyance sounds like peanuts to me.

By the way Bill, anyone with knowledge of basic economics knows that corporations pass taxes on to consumers. That’s right. The politicians try and make us feel good when they proudly announce they are raising taxes on business but in the end taxes are a business expense and we, the consumers, pay those taxes in the prices of the goods and services we buy.

To correct the problem you propose a massive witch hunt which will only be successful when the so called “blue ribbon” panel finds some witches. As for education cuts, in the end not much was cut, and since dumping massive amounts of money into education does not seem to raise test scores very much I’m waiting to see if less money has the effect of lowering scores. Time will tell.

In the meantime I’m sure you will continue to throw mud. As they say, some of it is bound to stick.



  1. Corbett seems to be made of mud of his own choosing.

  2. I agree with, he knew what took place at Penn State and the cover up.

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