Thought everyone’s favourite furniture chain was run by liberal Swedes? Think again… the Ikea sofa made by political prisoners in Stasi camps

From the DAILY MAIL:

The guards came for the prisoners every morning. Herded past a high-voltage fence, the men were taken down into a giant underground factory, where they were forced to work three shifts a day, cutting boards to size, making kitchen utensils and assembling cheap furniture.

Although this scene reads like something out of a Nazi concentration camp, it is far more recent. It took place in the 1970s and the 1980s at a prison near Brandenburg, some 40 miles west of Berlin, in what was then totalitarian East Germany.

But, most shockingly, the items produced in this factory — and there were many more like it — were not being made for the East Germans, but for a firm that is a household name throughout the world: Ikea…

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