The Supreme Court Has Struck Down Overall Campaign Contribution Limits

HUFFINGTON POST: The Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down the aggregate campaign contribution limits, thereby opening the door to even more money in the political system…

This will immeasurably help the Republican Party, which relies far more on large campaign donors who give the maximum campaign contributions. In the past year, Republican congressional political party committees have struggled to raise funds, as compared to their Democratic counterparts and the RNC. The court’s decision now frees donors to make contributions of $32,400 to all three party committees every year.

“What I think this means is freedom of speech is being upheld,” House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told reporters on Capitol Hill in response to the ruling. “Donors ought to have the freedom to give what they want to give… (more)

EDITOR: What Boehner really means “freedom of money is being upheld.”


1 Comment

  1. So once again the Supreme (?) Court has upheld the Republican Party manifest of money over justice.

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