Columnist Gil Smart writes in “Making the move to Main Street”
“My lament might be misconstrued as a belief that Obama, then, is too conservative. But that’s not it. It’s that, on too many issues, Obama and Bush are the same — committed to opacity, determined to continue the failed war on drugs, interventionist, corporatist, presiding over the inexorable growth of a state determined, above all, to exercise control, if only — for now — in comparably subtle ways.”
WATCHDOG: “Committed to Opacity”: Isn’t this a case of deciding to what extent we can place our confidence in the elected president, our legislators, and the courts? And won’t that trust need to be greater during times of great threat while reduced when matters are more peaceful. Would Smart – husband, father, community leader – sacrifice “opacity” if the only alternative was a ‘dirty bomb’ going off in Lancaster and killing or injuring a half million people?
Our point: Some “opacity” is necessary to protect us from the ‘bad guys.’ We welcome current debate. We seek an elusive but judicious balance between risks and freedom.
“Committed to continue the failed war on drugs.” The president only has so much currency to spend in the way of influence. There are laws on the books and attorney generals desirous of enforcing them. To the extent possible, Obama has been following the “benign neglect” approach and allowing the states to determine their own policies. Over time, the federal government will likely need to acquiesce to ‘local option’, which ended prohibition.
“Interventionist?” Hardly. President Obama has gotten most of our troops out of Iraq and is rapidly withdrawing them from Afghanistan. Despite pressure from war hawks to forcefully intervene in the Syria mess, he has minimized our presence in Syria, only assisting those factors in whom we have some confidence.
“Corporatist:” It has been hard for President Obama (as it would be for anyone else) to stand up against those who fund elections. He did manage to restore and even somewhat increase income and capital gains taxes. Also the inheritance tax has reverted back to pre “W” levels. For whatever good it may do, “Obama Care” does provide coverage tens of millions hitherto not insured.
President Obama faces a gerrymandered House and a Senate whose rules require a 60% majority in most cases. The legislated process has calcified. There is just so much he can do.
We empathize with Smart’s impatience. We felt the same when it came to drug policy reform and harm reduction, an effort to which we have been committed for twenty-five years. Again, more recently, with the Convention Center scam. Now with the lack of community concern about the proposed LCSWMA acquisition of the overpriced, long trouble plagued, and environmentally challenged Harrisburg Incinerator.
Progress does not come quickly. Tragically, sometimes it doesn’t come at all.
Perhaps in time Smart will see things in a broader perspective. But let’s hope not too soon. “Perspective” is an excuse for old men. Passion and zeal are better attributes for the young!